Chaffee Booster Club
16th Annual Golf Tournament
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Cape Jaycee Golf Course
11:30 AM - Registration Start Time
12:00 PM - Lunch Start Time
1:00 PM - Shotgun Start
6:00 PM - Prize Drawings (End of Event)
Registration and Payments are now processed ONLINE and is easy and convenient!
The Booster Club website to register online for the 2023 16th Annual Golf Tournament is: https://birdease.com/chaffeeboosterclub
Payment Options Include:
Pay ONLINE through a streamlined payment system.
Print your invoice and mail your payment to:
Chaffee Jr/Sr High School
Attention: Booster Club
517 West Yoakum
Chaffee, MO
Registration and Sponsorships are due:
Monday, September 11, 2023
Event Contact:
Amy Dumey
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (573) 275-9505
The Booster Club is also excited to announce additional Sponsorship levels which can be found on the Sponsorships link for the tournament at https://birdease.com/chaffeeboosterclub.
Sponsorship levels for 2023 are:
$3,000 DIAMOND DEVIL. Includes (2) 4-person teams, large banner with your supplied logo as the DIAMOND Sponsor of our tournament, prominently displayed at registration, acknowledgement during luncheon, hole sponsorship with sign prominently placed on the course at the hole of your choice, acknowledgement in program and logo on website and announcement as a DIAMOND sponsor at home football games for the 2023-2024 season. DIAMOND level sponsorship participants logo can be placed on prize pack items such as golf cooler giveaways, etc. Sponsorship at this level provides a DIRECT value to the CHS Booster Club that allows us to collect additional direct revenue to be used to purchase needed equipment and gear for our CHS Athletes.
$1,000 PLATINUM DEVIL. Includes (2) 4-person teams, banner prominently displayed at registration, acknowledgement during luncheon, hole sponsorship with sign prominently placed on the course, acknowledgement in program and logo on website and announcement as a platinum sponsor at home football games for the 2023-2024 season.
$750 RED HOT DEVIL. Includes (1) 4-person team, banner prominently displayed at registration, hole sponsorship with sign prominently placed on the course, acknowledgement in program and logo on website.
$500 CORPORATE. Includes hole sponsorship, sign prominently placed on the course, acknowledgement in program and logo on website, plus complimentary registration for one 4-person team.
$100 HOLE SPONSOR. Includes sign prominently placed on the course and acknowledgement in program and logo acknowledgement on website.
If you prefer to print your invoice and mail your payment:
Click here for the link to view, download, and print a
Booster Club Golf Tournament Letter and Registration Form (PDF)